
Sunday, February 29, 2004

Now with 50% less cancer

So I totally redid the entire site over the last two nights and added a little avatar to our posts so you can see who wrote it without that ugly pink or blue text getting in the way. Shoutbox is coming soon, or whenever I get around to it.

Still have to fix my AudioMatch.net image and possibly a few other things but tell me if you like the new layout by clicking the comment link at the bottom of this post.

And by the way, Stoney. That picture of you is staying like that until you get a job! Bunn you!

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

PlayCS.com is terrible

So anyway a few months ago I saw this site called www.playcs.com which was free e-mail for gamers specifically Counter-Strike players. I thought, "Hey, I'm a gamer, specifically a Counter-Strike player, so I should sign up!" and soon enough streak@playcs.com was my e-mail account. Since then I have signed up for probably about a dozen different sites using streak@playcs.com as my primary e-mail. There was about two weeks of server downtime at playcs.com meaning I couldn't get into my e-mail. I thought this was acceptable since I didn't really NEED it that badly, but that it was still pretty annoying. So, after it went back up, there was a short period where I had e-mail. Then, it went down again. For like 3 weeks. The only difference was that this time, there was a notice on the main page saying that they would be back next week better than ever! I figured I could wait through this.

Today, PlayCS.com has been turned into a forum and the e-mail accounts are all gone. To sign up for an account, you have to pay 3 US dollars (minimum) and even if you do this, all your old saved e-mails are erased no matter what. So basically, without warning, PlayCS.com erased quite a few relatively important e-mails I had saved, then had the nerve to ask for money so I can keep my account.

I am not happy, and I can assure you the day I pay money for PlayCS.com's e-mail service is the day they implement the "do your homework" feature.
Not that I do homework anyway.

Oh, and the shoutbox is a little messed up right now but I'm too busy to fix it. Maybe soon.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Jazz times ten

Holy shit I really haven't blogged in a long time. So now to both my loyal fans I present to you with a description of one of my major pet peeves:

You know when you take the metro and go to get off at your stop? Well how it usually works is everybody gets off, then the people who were waiting to get on approach the train and go through the doors. It's just like, understood that that's how it works. You just fucking know. Well, I can't STAND when people try to get on the metro as soon as the doors open even if there are people waiting to get off. If someone is getting off, it makes no fucking sense to get in their way, block them, or shove past them when it makes no difference how fast the metro leaves. The whole "I'm in a hurry" excuse is invalid, because the metro still has to wait for the people to get off for it to close its doors. I don't understand how any human smart enough to figure out how to pay ticket fare and walk down a flight of stairs can not grasp the concept of letting the metro empty out before filling it up more. It just lacks so much common sense it makes my head hurt some times. Oh, and don't get me started on people who actually shove past people to get on the metro. I'm getting angry just thinking about it.

In other, non blood-pressure-increasing news, I got my SIN today. Basically this means I can legally work in Canada to get some freakin' MONEY. It's about time. GO ME! GO CANADA!

Edit: The spell check on this blogging hoodickey tried to correct the following words:
blogged (You'd think they would know what it meant)
fucking (It's a real word, people!)
freakin' (I can understand this one, I guess)
CANADA (What the fuck? It also suggested I replace it with "CANADA". Real smart spell checker there)
doohickey (Kind of expected)

Edit2: I spelled doohickey wrong the first time. Hahahaha, hoodickey.

Monday, February 09, 2004


It appears that the image I was linking to has been taken off the Yahoo! servers. Trust me, it's for your own good.
So in conclusion, Christina Aguilera is ugly.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Let Me Make This Clear

The "en" you see me and Stoney using all over the place is kind of an inside joke. It is kinda making fun of stereotypical Italians who add "en?" to the end of their sentences. It is pronounced more like "an" with a... hard A or something. Some examples follow:

Let's go eata some pasta en?
You maka no sense en?
What the fuck, en? (This is where the title of the blog comes from)

So don't read it as "What the fuck, 'n'" anymore. It's "What the fuck, en?" Anyway, that joke just got unfunny by explaining it so I might rename the blog real soon.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

I Think I'm Dying

So I'm still kinda sick from earlier on in the week, except now my throat is cleared up and my head is stuffed up. So I get the genius idea to put this minty cream on my schnozz to clear up my nose. It's kinda like Vicks VapoRub except not Vicks. Now the fumes are going directly into my eyes and water is pouring out of them nonstop. Seriously, there is a tear every ten seconds or so. Hopefully when my mom gets back with the Neo-Citron I'll feel better.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

I Am A Genius

I added a comment feature, so you can comment on each individual post now, in addition to random screaming at people on the ShoutBox. The Comment link appears right next to the line under each post. Now I'm going to be late for school.




Update: Found them. Oh, and a bunch of other clothes I haven't seen in a while. GO ME!

Little Blog On The Prairie

You know, Honey Nut Cheerios is just about the best tasting healthy cereal you can buy. Yeah, you could buy something like Alpha-Bits or Trix or whatever, but those have been known to cause SARS, cancer, heart attacks and hysterical pregnancy when consumed in large amounts. And, your teeth might suffer because of all that damn sugar. Honey Nut Cheerios is supposedly good for you, AND it tastes good. Since when is that possible? So next time you go to the store, tell them STREAK SENT YOU FOR HONEY NUT CHEERIOS and tell me if they kick you out or not.

Yesterday I didn't go to school because my throat was sore and my head hurt and stuff. So now I have to TOTALLY GO TO THE OFFICE AND GET A NOTE! ISN'T THAT CRAZY!? I BET NEXT I'M GONNA HAVE TO SHOW IT TO MY TEACHER!!!

Too bad my life doesn't sound as exciting as I'd like it to be.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Strobe light!

The following is a message directed towards everybody that was involved in the creation of Need For Speed: Underground.

Can I live in your pocket?

Seriously though, it's an awesome game and everybody that plays videogames should give it a try. I usually don't like racing games so it was a big surprise for me to like it this much.

So in other news, my science fair project is almost done with and then I can rejoice like I've never rejoiced in my life. Last night I had a three person conversation in the dark with a strobe light going off, it was just about the trippiest thing in the universe and now I'm guaranteed to buy a strobe light for when I move out. Speaking of moving out, some friends and I have this crazy plan to live together starting this summer. It would be me, Stoney, and two other friends in a four and a half... sharing rooms and splitting costs. Talk about pure unsupervised chaos. If this plan comes together properly I am inviting everybody I know under 20 to a house warming party. And of course there will be absolutely no alcohol or drugs, whatsoever*.

I'm going to go play Need For Speed now.