
Saturday, January 24, 2004

I hate everybody.

So not only is my physics science fair project due on February 2nd, but my partner's parents are absolute fucking nazis when it comes to school or play or work or home life or food or anything beginning with a one of 26 different letters. They make him do his projects under pressure two weeks in advance ALL the time, he can't watch one TV show without them yelling at him about studying or working or preparing work or some shit like that even though he fucking studies like a madman (and it doesn't even work that much in the end). I think if I saw this kid's parents in a dark alley, I would stab them in the throat and bury their bodies in my backyard. The best part is that supposedly they think I'm a nice kid.

Well not too long ago my partner comes online telling me to write the project as soon as possible (I already planned on writing a little bit each night, up until when it was due, but now he wants me to do it ALL in one night) because his parents won't let him go on a field trip if they don't see the finished project. I was at his house Friday and they were acting all fucking bitchy and crabby about the fact that it wasn't already finished. So basically now, I can control whether or not this guy gets to go skiing this week... good luck, buddy.

Oh and here's the e-mail with typos bolded. Looks like all that studying didn't pay off, eh nazis?

ok look i tryed to tel my parents that you all ready had the writen part done so that they don't have to see it put they want to see it and you have to write it up good i don't care about the mass of the golf balls adn i need the pic so by sunday night i can have everything done i know you so i know you can write up a report in like 15 min so can you plz plz write one up today wich is sat or by sunday night plz pl plz you don't understand how importan this is ty sorry by the way for the hush (I think he meant rush)

And now, translated into English:


Monday, January 19, 2004

God Bless America

HOLY FUCK I just got my dsl connection back and it feels so good. I almost died, I was approaching 2 weeks with no internet access from home. But just as things looked even worse, I plugged the modem in (from where my brother unplugged it to plug in his phone) and it WORKED! Now even if I got hit by two... TWOOOOO... trains and had my limbs hacked off by rusty knives, this would still be a good day.

AxcessNet still sucks, though.

Monday, January 12, 2004

AxcessNet Sucks

So for the past week I haven't had internet access from home. Anyone wanting to hear the story can gather 'round.

For three months AxcessNet doesn't send any bills so naturally my mom can't pay for the service because she needs the invoice number to write on the check. Of course instead of calling AxcessNet and asking about it, she ignores it until we get the Account Deactivation notice in the mail. It seems this ISP thinks that sending a letter telling them to pay for the bills the didn't send makes some sort of sense. Anyway I freak out and my mom pays the $120.62 needed to make up for the past three months. The same day, she calls to make sure they know the check is on the way and to let them know NOT to cut the service. They say they already got the check (the same day) and it won't be cut.

Then I get home and the modem isn't lighting up, and I can't connect. Fuck you, AxcessNet. So one week later my mom sends a check for the month of January's service which should re-enable the account. Of course, this may happen tonight, and it could happen in two weeks. Too bad I have to play in a CS match tomorrow night and don't even know the map I'm playing. For all of you who don't understand CS matches and everything, let me make it short. If I don't get internet by tonight, I'm screwed.

Fuck you again, AxcessNet.

Monday, January 05, 2004

I'm learnding!

So I had about 3 hours of sleep last night and have been awake since 2am. Of course today is back to school after two weeks of vacation. I pretty much just started to forget about school and my science fair project and all that. This will probably be the worst Monday ever.

On a side note, I'm going to fucking murder Stoney. She sent me this song yesterday with a filename of unknown246.mp3 or some crap like that. I assumed it was this song that her friend wrote that I had heard about so I listened to it. I told her it was good but not really my style of music. Then she pulls some ninja move on me and tells me it was Hanson's new song. Holy fuck, I said Hanson was good. I hate you, Hanson. I hate you too, Stoney.