
Monday, January 12, 2004

AxcessNet Sucks

So for the past week I haven't had internet access from home. Anyone wanting to hear the story can gather 'round.

For three months AxcessNet doesn't send any bills so naturally my mom can't pay for the service because she needs the invoice number to write on the check. Of course instead of calling AxcessNet and asking about it, she ignores it until we get the Account Deactivation notice in the mail. It seems this ISP thinks that sending a letter telling them to pay for the bills the didn't send makes some sort of sense. Anyway I freak out and my mom pays the $120.62 needed to make up for the past three months. The same day, she calls to make sure they know the check is on the way and to let them know NOT to cut the service. They say they already got the check (the same day) and it won't be cut.

Then I get home and the modem isn't lighting up, and I can't connect. Fuck you, AxcessNet. So one week later my mom sends a check for the month of January's service which should re-enable the account. Of course, this may happen tonight, and it could happen in two weeks. Too bad I have to play in a CS match tomorrow night and don't even know the map I'm playing. For all of you who don't understand CS matches and everything, let me make it short. If I don't get internet by tonight, I'm screwed.

Fuck you again, AxcessNet.


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