
Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Fuck this shit

I'm totally forgetting about this "typing like an idiot" for a week thing. I can't fucking do it. I'll type something, then look at it and think "How can I make this seem stupider?" then erase like 16 letters and replace them with 2 numbers. I just can't do it.

Today was such a crap day. I woke up in a super great mood thinking that I would like find a treasure chest or something on the way to school. I should have gone back to bed. The day itself was pretty boring and I was so damn hungry I almost fainted like six times a minute. Finally last period I had gym and we were finishing off our handball tournament. In the Finals I got scratched, shoved and pushed onto the floor and we lost 4-2. I was all tired and out of breath and injured and had to go to the mall with a friend for Christmas shopping. There, I see Lindsay C., the girl that went with Stoney to Toronto. She tells us this gigantic long story of the best day of her life and then I have to come home and read it again on here. I start getting angry and Stoney is all like "You should be happy!"

Yeah, I go to school and get the crap beat out of me (and STILL lose the game), almost waste away from food deprivation while you're off in Toronto getting into Blink concerts for free and probably doing cocaine with every rock star on Earth and I'm supposed to be happy. I fucking hate you, Stoney.


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